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Conservation and Research Foundation records

Identifier: MS-018

About the Collection

The collection consists of correspondence, grant proposals, minutes, publications,reports, and theses that document the work of the Conservation and Research Foundation.The bulk of the collection consist with the grants that were awarded by the Foundation between 1953 and 2003. They were donated to Connecticut College by Professor Emeritus of Botany Richard H. Goodwin, founding trustee of the Foundation.


  • Creation: 1952 - 2004


Conditions Governing Use

This collection is open for research.

About the Conservation and Research Foundation

The Conservation and Research Foundation was incorporated in 1953 "to promote the conservation of our renewable natural resources; to encourage study and research in the biological sciences; and to deepen understanding of the intricate relationship between man and the environment that supports him." These objectives are fulfilled primarily by awarding grants to organizations and individuals to aid their conservation programs and to support research in neglected areas. This broad philosophy is reflected in the diversity of grants awarded by the Foundation.


10.96 Linear Feet (This collection contains 18 letter document boxes, 1 half letter document box, and 3 record cartons.)

Language of Materials



This collection documents the work of the Conservation and Research Foundation records primarily documenting the grants that were awarded by the Foundation between 1953 to 2003.


This collection consists of four series: Series I. Administrative Records, 1952-2004; Series II. Grant Information, 1955-2003; Series III. Conferences and workshops, 1967-1981; and Series IV. Fellowships. 1962-2002. Series are generally organized chronologically.

Related Materials

A number of reports, theses, and other publications have been produced with support from the Conservation and Research Foundation. A listing of those held by the Lear Center can be found in the library catalog using the search term "Conservation and Reaserch Foundation"/extref>

Guide to the Conservation and Research Foundation records
Processed by Benjamin Panciera. Revised and migrated into ArchivesSpace by Rose Oliveira, Lear Staff, and Javian Astacio, student assistant, in 2020.
Circa 2009
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Repository

Connecticut College
270 Mohegan Ave
New London CT 06320 United States
860-439-2654 (Director)
860-439-2686 (College Archivist)