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Series III: Student Papers, 1972-1981 and undated


Scope and Contents

In this series are papers written by Connecticut College students in the Government and Urban Affairs departments. It also contains research materials, including student notes and progress reports, along with transcripts and notes of interviews conducted by the student as part of the research.


  • Creation: 1972-1981 and undated


Conditions Governing Access

Student papers and research notes are protected by FERPA and restricted for 75 years as noted by individual paper. Some interview transcripts and notes are open to researchers, while others are restricted, also as noted.


1 1/2 Boxes

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English


Papers are alphabetically by student last name.

Repository Details

Part of the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections and Archives Repository

Connecticut College
270 Mohegan Ave
New London CT 06320 United States
860-439-2654 (Director)
860-439-2686 (College Archivist)